There are many great sites on the Internet but trying to actually find those great sites can be a frustrating experience. We have compiled a list of Websites that we have found to be helpful resources of information. When you click on a link, a new window will pop up. Close the window when you are ready to return to this page.
One of the best accounting software programs for small businesses.
Money Magazine offers an online edition that is a great resource for financial information.
Many state governments have created innovative college savings programs designed to meet the savings needs of their citizens. These programs seek to make the savings option easier for the average family.
Up to date information on mortgage, auto, and other bank loan information.
California ScholarShare Tuition Program
It's never too early to start savings for college. ScholarShare offers a tax-advantaged way to put aside money for a child--xyaxy--s college education.
Visit Social Security On-line to check your benefits, learn about medicare, or get employment disability assistance.
This site will assist you in determining the requirements of businesses doing business within the state of California.
Published "by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs". You'll find how-to advice, helpful articals-even templates for common business documents, like confidentiality agreements.
MSNBC is the place for up to the minute news. Many of the news articles have audio and video clips.
Home of the IRS on the Web.
California's taxing authority. Useful information for both individual--xyaxy--s and business--xyaxy--s.
California State Board of Equalization
State agency regulating sales and use tax.
California Employment Development Department
Your direct link to job placement and referrals, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, employment and training, labor market information, payroll taxes, and more!
The purpose of this site is to provide technical and planning information on Roth IRAs to practitioners and consumers.
Pay your taxes online instantly!